
Tilman Becker

Tilman Becker is a German scientist and expert in the field of Industry 4.0, since 2020 he is the director of the RICAIP Centre for Advanced Industrial Production at the Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics (CIIRC) of the Czech Technical University in Prague. With twenty-five years of experience at DFKI,Germany's largest artificial intelligence research center, he has a broad knowledge of digital transformation, natural language processing,cyber-physical manufacturing systems and human-machine interaction research. He is involved in international research projects in collaboration with leading European institutes and industrial corporations, especially in the fields of industrial robotics, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data.

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Pavel Tomančák

Pavel Tomančák is an evolutionary developmental biologist who has led an independent research group at the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics in Dresden since 2005. His laboratory is dedicated to studying the evolution of morphogenesis during the embryonic development of multicellular organisms. His research is unique due to the combination of advanced molecular analysis methods with state-of-the-art imaging and computational analysis of microscopic data. He started his scientific career at Masaryk University, studying molecular biology and genetics. He completed doctoral studies at the prestigious European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) in Heidelberg, Germany. He then worked for five years at the University of California, Berkeley, in the group of the renowned American geneticist Gerald M. Rubin. He has received two prestigious (ERC) grants and has been a member of EMBO since 2016. He has co-authored more than a hundred scientific publications that have been cited more than 60,000 times, making him one of the most cited scientists of Czech origin. From 1 February 2021, he became the Director of the CEITEC consortium in Brno, where he leverages his international experience to boost CEITEC’s ambition to become a significant player in the field of science, at least in Europe.

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Veronika Haissingerová

Veronika is a project manager who focuses on entrepreneurship and building an entrepreneurial ecosystem at Charles University, as a part of the team at the university's Centre for Knowledge and Technology Transfer. She is also involved in developing an innovation hub at the Hybernská Campus in Prague. Currently, she is leading the key activity 'Entrepreneurship' within the iKAP II project. Prior to this role, she led the 'Accelerator VŠEM' incubation program at the University of Economics and Management Prague. She also worked at H40 as an incubation manager for the 'Creative Incubator Art&Digital'. Her interests span the non-profit sector, CSR, SDGs, social entrepreneurship, the startup scene, education, and career guidance.

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Anıl Axel Tellbüscher

Anıl Tellbüscher, winner of the Falling Walls Lab Czech Republic 2023, is a Ph.D. candidate at the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice and works in the field of aquaculture, the fastest-growing food production industry in the world. Anıl has a strong background in water research and aquaculture, holding a B.Sc. from Duisburg-Essen University and a M.Sc. from Humboldt-University of Berlin, both in Germany. He also worked at prestigious institutions such as the IDAEA-CSIC (Spain) and WUR (Netherlands). His current research focuses on the valorisation of aquaculture wastes.

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Libor Šmejkal

Libor Šmejkal leads an independent Max Planck Research Group at the Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems in Dresden, Germany, and is an affiliated researcher at the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences. A native of the Czech Republic, he studied theoretical and experimental physics in Brno and Vienna, and earned his PhD from the Academy of Sciences and Charles University in Prague in 2020. Until 2024, he was an independent team leader at Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz. Šmejkal's research focuses on the theory of topological and magnetic quantum matter, aiming for sustainable and ultrascalable nanoelectronics of the future, while collaborating globally on related experiments. His work has been recognized with numerous awards, including the ERC Starting Grant 2024, European Magnetism Association Young Scientist Award 2021, the Czech Head Prize 2021, and the Siemens Award 2020. He also received the Falling Walls Science Breakthrough of the Year 2023 in Physical Sciences for his contributions to discovery of altermagnetism.

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